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Chikuma, Nagano, Japan

Mixd-use(Community Space, Lodging space)

91.92㎡, 2storeys

Nov. 2017



周囲に拡がる「姨捨の棚田」は平成22 年に国の重要文化的景観に選定されており、近接する姨捨駅から見下ろす棚田や善光寺平の眺めも日本三大車窓の一つとして全国的に認知されている。



This is a renovation of a two-storey wooden house built in 1974 as a living room in the terraced rice paddies where people involved in and visiting the terraced rice paddies of OBASUTE can easily gather.

The surrounding terraced rice paddies of the town were selected as an Important Cultural Landscape in 2010, and the view of the terraced rice paddies and Zenkojidaira from the nearbyOBASUTE Station is recognised nationwide as one of the three best train windows in Japan.

In order to accommodate as many users as possible along with the view, part of the existing building was reduced and a semi-outdoor earthen floor was planned. The semi-outdoor space actively encourages users to devise ways of using the building, and allows them to enter the building with their feet in the ground without clear boundaries such as entrances and doors, giving the space the flexibility of a public space.

The work of giving a public character to a private house is a struggle against distortion of scale, irrationality of function and the discomfort of the symbolic nature of the house.

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